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Altirra is an emulator made for emulating Filetypes like .rom files. It was released sometime in 2007/08 for Windows 2000 to 8. The emulator is also an emulator that can emulate the file PREVUE.ROM, as seen in the image to the left: Altirraprevue.PNG


This emulator is specially made for running filetypes like .atx or .rom files. The emulator has many features, including NTSC resolution and artificaling, attaching and detaching primary and secondary cartridge files while the emulator is still running the emulation file, and more. For example, attaching DKJR6.ROM during NJJR6.ROM is attached will change "B:NJJR6" into "B:DKJR6".

Supported File Types

The Following File types below are the only ones compatible with Altirra:

.xex .obx .com .bas .atr .xfd .dcm .pro .atx .rom .bin .a52 .car .cas .wav .zip .gz .atz

Any other file that is not one of these file types will not work.